Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Long time

So I have decided to have WLS ( Weight Loss Surgery ). This is something I have been thinking about for a while. I have tried many methods of loosing weight and I want to make sure I am around for my kids.

I am 5'5 and I weight 278 lbs, I carry it well and even my doctor said she could not tell I was that heavy.

Everyday I drink about a 1/2 gallon of water and I walk on my lunches.

I am still trying to loose weight before my surgery but I could never really get fully healthy with out this help, but I do loose about 3 lbs a week.

I am making lifestyle Changes already and I am ready for a new beginning . I want to be able to hike on the weekends with my husband and run around our yard with the kids. Right now I can't do those things.

So as my jouney begins I will be able to post how it goes.

Next post will be tomorrow or Friday, I am going to a meeting to meet other ppl in there jounrey to loosing weight and hear there stories.

Then on July 7th I have doctors appt all day I will update again :)