Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Long time

So I have decided to have WLS ( Weight Loss Surgery ). This is something I have been thinking about for a while. I have tried many methods of loosing weight and I want to make sure I am around for my kids.

I am 5'5 and I weight 278 lbs, I carry it well and even my doctor said she could not tell I was that heavy.

Everyday I drink about a 1/2 gallon of water and I walk on my lunches.

I am still trying to loose weight before my surgery but I could never really get fully healthy with out this help, but I do loose about 3 lbs a week.

I am making lifestyle Changes already and I am ready for a new beginning . I want to be able to hike on the weekends with my husband and run around our yard with the kids. Right now I can't do those things.

So as my jouney begins I will be able to post how it goes.

Next post will be tomorrow or Friday, I am going to a meeting to meet other ppl in there jounrey to loosing weight and hear there stories.

Then on July 7th I have doctors appt all day I will update again :)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

~Last week of class~

So~ it's the last week of class and I feel good about my paper I am sure I won't get a 100% or anything but I am very proud of it. What advice would I give someone just starting a scientific paper, really listen to your professor , they know what they are talking about. When I first started Comp II I was not sure what a scientific paper was now I know and it's really good to know this for copy writing reasons. So I hope everyone stay's on course and have a great time in school

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

~Final Paper~

Sooo~ my final paper I feel accomplished and very tired. I am not completely done with it I have a couple more paragraphs to go through but I feel 110% better on this then I did my ruff draft. I was not proud per say about the paper I handed in , in unit 6 and I am not sure if others feel this way. This new completely over hauled paper I am writing I am hoping I get at least an A on because I put my all in this, all or nothing :)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

My Blogg

Professor and classmates-I guess I would really like to keep going with my blog when I am done with this class , but I always feel to busy. I want to turn it into a short story blog, or have it follow my journey to pregnancy. I guess no matter what I do I will keep it and hope to stay on top of it.


I was reading over the review on my paper and I like what everyone has to say. I think this is the best way for review because it's more then just you looking at it. Some people may like to word this differently and it may work. I am great with constructive criticism and I work well with it.

I guess I had my moment when I was going over and revising here in unit 8, I really see what you professor and my class mates have been talking about, I feel like I will have a different paper on the same subject to hand in for my final.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Is there anything that you have found shocking or intriguing in the process or your research?

Professor and classmates-
With my research on PPD, I never really understood how many women and men end up with this. When I first got with my husband he came with 3 daughters, they did not live with us but we had them on the weekends. I became very jealous of them and when my husband gave them attention i would get jealous. I feel very ashamed now that I understand what was going on. I did do a little bit of research on this and they say it is a form of PPD but nothing that has gotten allot of research. I love my 3 step children and my husband I guess it just took time for me to fully understand I was 18 and jumping in with a 26 year old with 3 kids. But we have been together for 6 years now and very happy :)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

~Postpartum Depression~& What I have been doing the last 6 weeks

When I was writing my essay, I really felt like I was doing something great. I never really thought about a man getting Postpartum Depression and I think we should have more interest in that and do more research.

What I have been doing for the last 6 weeks, I have been in counseling because I am going to start taking hormone shots to help me get pregnant. I have to show them I can handle it and if I have a multiple birth I will be okay with that. I am hoping nothing more then 2 or 3 , it's kinda a big deal because me and my husband our your and already starting because I am not able to get pregnant on my own. I have had 3 miscarriages and that was really ruff on our family so we are trying to be careful and make sure we are 100% ready :)
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